What is the BMD Central Recruitment Database?

The BMD Hub Central Recruitment Database is a centrally coordinated national recruitment contact database, collecting information from and about people with Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) and their preferences for potential participation in research studies in the UK.

How does the BMD Hub Central Recruitment database work?

If a trial site in the UK is looking to recruit patients for a specific research study, a Healthcare Professional at a site can contact the BMD Hub Central Recruitment Database to ask for assistance in identifying potentially eligible people who may be able to participate.

Information provided by those who register and complete the questionnaire on the BMD Hub Central Recruitment Database will be reviewed and if a person matches the criteria for a research study that is recruiting, their information may be passed on to the recruiting trial site. As sites often have limits on the number of people they can recruit to a research study, any people registered on the BMD Hub Central Recruitment Database who match the recruitment criteria will be selected at random, to ensure a fair process for all people with BMD living in the UK.

You can access a flyer with more details about the BMD Hub Central Recruitment database here:

Register on the Central Recruitment Database